Shortening a hem. 

I tried with no avail to attach more photos to my last post! 

So I figured I’d add a new post! 

I was given another pair or men’s work trousers to alter this time a hem to be shortened. These had a durable insert at the back. 

 I used my seam ripper to detach the durable insert then cut the hem to the required length, I then pinned and reattached. 

 I pleased with the outcome, as these will also have a long life span, I could have just shortened without reattaching the durable insert…. But what sort of seamstress would I be then!! 

Traci xx 

Make do and mend

So I am still working away on my alterations and mends. 

 So we all have that gave pair of jeans right?!? Men and workwear are no different!

 These required a patch inserted and I used a sturdy zigzag stitch and some double sided glue to secure. 

 I ended up using a zig zag stitch to finish this project as my sewing machine couldn’t take the layers! 

I reckon these have a few more wears in them now! 

Traci xx 

Well hello there!! 

Hi there everyone!

Yes it has been a while! I took a break there from blogging… I have a few projects I thought I would share as I have been remembering to take photos! 

I’m doing some christmas sewing atm, I feel like the craft is the only safe place to speak the “C word” because us crafty people are all about preping for our stalls and fairs! 

  I’m lucky enough to have a sewing room at home… That being said I do have my wee sewing space in the living room too! 

 I’m currently making hanging hearts stuffed with christmas spice! 
I love my living room being so festive. My kids are at such a great age they love this time of year. 

  A wee sneak peek! 

 My Christmas stockings are in full flight too. 
So is anyone else Christmas crafting?!?

Traci xx 

My studio is coming together!

Hello peeps,
So how is everyone? I’m glad it’s Friday to be honest! I know I have so much sewing to be getting on with at home but I look forward to doing them in my pjs!

So what have I been up to all week?!? Well my studio in my work is just divine! I can not wait to be sewing my life away 😊


It’s all been rearranged for the last time… I think! Between trying to find the best place for all the machines to go and locating the sockets! Wow It has been a little hectic to say the least!

I am finding my way around the machines rightly and have them all threaded and re threaded a few times now. I reckon I’m comfortable with most of them!





I had a blast with the heavyweight machine today, shortening 4 pairs of jeans… Finding the tension on that bad boy with the top stitch thread on both bobbing and thread was HECTIC!


I managed to find the tension thought… **enter pat on the back here!** just a mite proud of myself! There was a hairy moment when I thought I was going to run out of thread…


But I the sewing gods were one side today! Thank goodness as the sewing shop was out of 958 thread!

So what has everyone else been up to? Any fun projects on the cards?


Creating a pattern from RTW

Hello there!

Happy Black Friday everyone!
How is everyone doing?!
Got that Christmassy feeling yet?!
I am totally there already, can’t wait to get the tree down this weekend!

So what have I been up to today?! Well I have been given the job of sewing up copy of a couple of lovely linen tops.



Pictured above is the first of the two! I have to say the construction of this is divine…. I am in awe!




All seams bar the arm holes are double turned. Leaving no room for error on the top stitch!





So after 4 hours of ripping out, yes 4 hours! I now have the sewing instructions noted down and the whole pattern cut out, with seam allowance added where required.


So here she is all ready for me to get sewing up on my new industrial machines at work tomorrow.

I have to say the only part I am going to struggle with is the pocket!





It’s my first time doing a pocket like this! Have you done one before?! Any tips welcomed in the comments.


So like I said earlier happy Black Friday! Is anyone doing a little shopping?! I headed straight over to the craftsy sale! and picked up 3 classes from my wish list…. I got the classes for £13.99 each! BARGAIN!!


Get a little Christmas shopping done for me I say! Are you a fan of craftsy? If not you should be! It’s a great way to learn at home, I have 2 kids and part time job to work round and this works great for me!

Let me know if you sign up for anything! I picked up a couture class as well as a couple of others!


* I am a Craftsy Affiliate (I only affiliate with company’s I have a genuine interest in)

Busy as a bee over here!

Good morning!

It’s been so quite here of late! My new job over at The Hub has kept me so busy! I have so many blog posts to write about fashion shows and organising the studio BUT that’s for another time!

Today I’m just popping in to say hi! Dropping you a *wave*!!

I’m teaching colleges how to thread our new industrial machines! I feel I may be utilising my craftsy classes so I’m confident on the over locker!

In my studio I have 9 industrial machines….

* 4 Standard Machines
* 1 Zig-zag
* 1 Blind Hem
* 1 Button Hole
* 1 Heavy machine
* 1 Overlocker





So I’m off for another day at the studio, I’m making a copy of 2 tops for a teacher at the collage!

Have you used industrial sewing machines before? What did you think?

And have you ever replicated a ready to wear item? Please leave your adventures in the comments!


* I’m blogging from my phone and will add links later tonight!

How to mend a torn pocket.

Hello there peeps!

How is everyone? It’s been very busy over here at solely sewing. Alterations are playing a heavy part in my day to day! But today it’s all about a mend!

This is a easy one, a tear in a jeans pocket.. Some people would throw theses out… DON’T! They are such an easy fix.

Find a scrap of similar weight fabric add a piece of cotton and run up some zig zag rows… Find what works for you!

So your ready to sew! You should only need the one pin… That’s for the top of the pocket, that needs to be tucked under at the corner. This is so your sewing machine foot can get past the rivet that is fixed at the top.

When You get to the top of the pocket, You do a straight reverse stitch to secure. You then finish off that tucked up corner with a straight stitch! Then that’s you done!

Have you done any mends of late?


Prom dress.

Hello there peeps!

How is everyone?!?

I’m playing catch up as ever! I have several posts in the pipeline, and am back on the wordpress app to publish for now!

So what have I been sewing in my absence?!? Well this little number was for a girls prom, it’s a variation on Vogue V8849…


I added a lace overlay on the bodice, added thick pleated lace straps…




Little Miss wanted a little ribbon added to the waist to break up the dress a bit… The skirt was meant to be above the knee but it was made in a column style. Aka right down the the floor with a vent at the back that was just above the back of the knee.


I pleased with the outcome, although I did not have enough fabric to do the facing on the bias to had to cut and hem it!!


In the end it all worked out great! And fitted like a dream… After a few tacks were added to the facing!

I was in such a rush to get it out I never got a photo of little miss wearing it… Although, that is true to form around here!

So have you been sewing any special occasion dresses if late?!? Do share.


Hemming hemming hemming

Hello there peeps!

How is everyone?

So it’s been quite of late around here BUT I am supper busy. So busy I’m forgetting to post!

So what’s keeping me so busy?!? Well alterations are pretty high on the list! Make do and mend and all that jazz.





There’s the hemming of trousers, I love the simple ones but note to self…. Learn how to use the blind hem foot! Hand stitching is soooo time consuming!



There’s been a couple of waist alterations too.. Letting out the seams, this can seem a little scary at first but to be honest, I’m becoming a dab hand at them! I have another pair of trousers in the list but they are to be taken in.


So I have recently ventured in to the world of stretch fabric alterations… And with my new machine it’s a breeze, So neat and tidy!


This is a dress I bought from river island, I had to take it in at the waist… In so happy with the end result! And it was a measly £10 in the sale… Gotta love a bargain!

So have you been altering much lately?!? Do share!


Retail Therapy on the Sewing front!

Hello, Hello!

How is everyone?

I’ve been busy busy. With the new job, I’ve not had much time for anything other than sewing and housework and trying to find the balance between the 2.

But today I was flicking through the albums on my phone & computer and seen, I have heaps of posts waiting to be composed. So in true style lets kick off with some of my SHOPPING  finds!!

So books I’ve wanted these books FOREVER, so bit the bullet and ordered them!


Patten Magic~ Tomoko Nakamicchi



Pattern magic 2~ Tomoko Nakamicchi


Drape Drape~ Hisako Sato


Drape Drape 2~ Hisako Sato

I can’t wait to get my hands on these little beauties! I already know what my next books will be! ADDICTED MAYBE! So… go on let the cat out the bag, what book could you not live without?!?!? I’m a massive fan of The Art of Manipulating Fabric~ Collette Wolff. I may need to buy a new bookshelves soon!

I didn’t just stick to buying books…. I bought a few sewing machine feet! Because you can never have too many!


Look at them in their lovely wee box!

So what did I get for my measly £17.06

~Walking Foot

~Darning / Embroidery Foot

~Button Sewing Foot

~Button Hole Foot

~Blind Hem Foot

~Low Shank Adaptor

~High Shank Adaptor

~Gathering Foot

~Narrow Hem Foot

~Satin Stitch / Applique Foot

~All-Purpose Foot

~Cording Foot

~Zipper Foot

~Quarter Inch Foot

~Overcasting Foot

And al in a Tailor-Made Storage Case bargain huh!

I also picked up this up too..


This is a Bias Binding foot…. Have you ever seen one?!? It’s a first for me, Bias binding is not my forte, and if it’s any good it’s a welcomed addition! Have you ever used one? Does it work for you?

That’s not all my shopping either!

I have been back on Craftsy


So what did I pick up this time?

Sew Designer Jeans ~ Angela Wolf

Jean-ius ~ Kenneth D King

Designing Details : Pockets ~ Kenneth D King

I can’t wait to get the time to start these… I think my craftsy classes have become a new addiction! A bit like my fabric stash! I am slowly getting through my serging class.. Well worth the money I say!

So what have you been buying on the sewing front recently?

Do share!


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Stitches of Time

I have created this blog to share my interest in all forms of stitching, quilting, sewing, knitting, medieval re-enactment and costume making - particularly my love of historical embroidery. I also love travelling,especially when it also involves any of my other interests.


For the Color, Humour and Theatre of our lives

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High Heel Confidence

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Vintage Sewing Machines

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Chronically Siobhan

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Hooks and Hills

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